Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday & Tuesday 2/25-2/26

Projects are due today at the end of class!   Make sure you have traced in marker, erased all pencil lines, added your table line (behind your objects), name in PENCIL on back, complete a rubric, and turn it in to the finished project drawer with your two other drawings you did not use for your final!

Thursday/Friday 2/21 & 2/22

 Today we discussed correct and incorrect compositions and why.  How to make sure we do not have floating objects in our composition and how to add a table line.  When students are finished, they will turn in their projects into the finished project drawer and complete a rubric. 

Wednesday 2/20

NO ARTiFact! 

Today students will continue working on their Contour Line Drawing Project.  Finish up their 5 drawings and begin cutting out there best 3 to use for the final composition!

Next class we will arrange our composition and discuss correct and incorrect compositions and why.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wed, Thurs, Friday...

We began our final project in our Contour unit.  Students started and continued drawing 5 (interesting) objects of their choice on 5 separate pieces of paper.  They need to be drawn with accuracy and details...but NO shading!   Next class students will choose which drawing they want to use for their final.  We will also learn how to arrange an interesting and realistic composition! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Monday 2B & Tuesday 1A

2B- you will be taking what you have learned with bottles and hands and drawing them together.  You will start out with drawing 2 bottle drawings by themselves on newsprint.  Then you will do one drawing with you holding a bottle.  Since we do not have enough bottles for everyone, students that don't have a bottle will draw their own shoes.  Place your shoe (or choose a shoe from the bin) and place it on the table and draw it in a contour line style drawing.  Then students will switch.  At the end of the day all students should have 4 complete drawings.  Two bottle drawings, one bottle/hand drawing and one shoe drawing.  Each drawing should take at least 15-20 minutes! 

1A- Today students will draw bottles, shoes, hands, and objects of thier choice.  We will be combining objects together for practice of our Final Project.  Today will be the last day of practice contour!

Friday 1A

Today you will finish your hand drawings and begin practicing contour shoe drawings.  Students will draw their own shoe from three different view points.  Next class we will explore new objects and begin our final drawing for this unit.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/6 & 2/7- Wednesday & Thursday

Today, we are continuting to practice drawing in a contour style.  We will draw our hands today, concentreating on what our hands really look like.  Fingernails, creases, proprtions all from staring at our own hands.  

Next class we will practice drawing shoes!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/4 & 2/5

Today we finished out Elements and Principles Sketchbook activity.  Students will hand in their sketchbook to me at the end of class.  If you need more time with your sketchbook activity please finish it during an off period, lunches, after school on Wednesday, or take it home with you.  Please hand it in by the end of the day on Thursday in order for it not to be late. 
We also began practicing our contour line drawings with bottles.  We did 3 drawings, each one adding a little more detail and talking about the common mistakes in contour line drawing. 
Next class we will begin contour hand drawings!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 4 1/31 & 2/1

Today we continued working on our Elements and Principles Sketchbook Project.  I will collect sketchbooks at the end of make sure your Elements and Principles project is done! (If you  need to work on it outside of class, please come in during an off period, lunch or bring it home over the weekend!)