Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday 3/27 & Thursday 3/28

Students will continue working on their face drawing/painting!

  1. Mix all paint completely before putting it on your paper.
  2. Mix enough paint to fill all one number. You do not want to mix the same color multiple times, it will not come out the same! Mix enough the first time around!
  3. Use the film canisters to mix enough paint. Clean them out when you are finished!
  4. When painting light colors, ERASE your pencil lines BEFORE you paint. You will still be able to see the lines, but they won't show through the paint.
  5. Paint lightest colors first! You can always cover up a light color with a dark color, but you won't be able to cover up a dark color with a light color!
  6. Use your extra space on your drawing to test paint.
  8. Make sure there aren't any white spaces in between your colors!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday 3/25 & Tuesday 3/26

Today students will finish up their grid drawing of their face and will move on to painting!  Students should keep in mind the following guidelines when painting:

  1. Mix all paint completely before putting it on your paper.
  2. Mix enough paint to fill all one number.  You do not want to mix the same color multiple times, it will not come out the same!  Mix enough the first time around! 
  3. Use the film canisters to mix enough paint.  Clean them out when you are finished!
  4. When painting light colors, ERASE your pencil lines BEFORE you paint.  You will still be able to see the lines, but they won't show through the paint.
  5. Paint lightest colors first!  You can always cover up a light color with a dark color, but you won't be able to cover up a dark color with a light color! 
  6. Use your extra space on your drawing to test paint.

ARTiFact is Pointillism- listed on the post below!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Wednesday 3/20, Thursday 3/21 & Friday 3/22

Today students will continue planning out their face painting.  We will finish making our view finder and decided what part of our picture we want to draw, we will figure out how many shades we have in our picture and then apply different color schemes to different shades.  Students will then choose their own color scheme to apply to the numbered shades in their picture.  After the colors are figured out, students will continue drawing their picture onto the larger grid. 

Next class we will discuss what is necessary to complete a successful painting!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 3/18 & Tuesday 3/19

Students will finish up their practice grid face by drawing the grid themselves and painting with a simple 3 color, color scheme.  Students will also begin their final project in the color unit!  We will be drawing a one inch grid over their face and then drawing a 4 inch grid on a larger sheet of paper.  Students will then transfer their face onto the larger paper by enlarging their squares. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Monday 3/11

Today students will complete three practice grid drawings.  The first drawing is just learning to draw square by square.  The second drawing is choosing four squares and enlarging them on to four larger squares.  When the practice drawings are complete, students will move on to the third practice grid and painting, the JayZ or Beyonce mini color scheme grid drawing and painting.  Students will pick one picture or the other.  Redraw the picture that you see, drawing only the outlines of the lines between the shades.  Once the grid is redrawn, students will choose a color scheme to paint the face they choose.  There are 3 shades in the picture, choose three shades that work as a color scheme! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday 3/7 & Friday 3/8

Today students will put the finishing touches on their color wheels and scales.  They must be glued into their sketchbooks when finished.  I will be collecting these sketchbooks at the end of next week.  If they are not finished in class, they must be finished on students own time.  Work can be made up during any lunch period, any off period and Wednesdays after school. 

Our next step is learning how to use a grid to create accurate drawings.  We will be doing a few practice grid drawings in class before they begin to make a grid for their final project in the painting unit!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday 3/5 & Wednesday 3/6

Today students will finish their color wheels and begin on their color scales.  When both of them are complete, they need to be cut out (when dry) and glued into their sketchbooks.  Please re-label the wheels and scales!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday 3/1 & Monday 3/4

Today students will continue working on their color wheels!
**Remember- Mix your paint completely and paint NEATLY inside the lines! :)